Here I will describe how to download, set-up and develop the FGE website.

Website dependencies

Website repositories

The website is held online across two different Git repositories and three branches. These are:

Directory structure

Each of the three different branches need to be downloaded and placed in the specific directory structure as below, where the fge/ directory represents the fge-master branch, and _docs_repo/ and _site/ are ignored directories within fge/ representing the docs and fge-gh-pages branches respectively.

      [.md files of guides]
      [hostable website]
      [page layouts]
      [css scripts]
      [head etc.]
      [css script]
      [index of guides]
      [javascript files]
      [cover.jpg etc.]
      [GitHub README]
      [RSS feed]
      [home page]
      [git ignore]
      [Jekyll config file]
      [BES symbol]

Setting up the files and folders

To set up the above directory structure, follow these commands.

# Download a copy of test-cge master branch
git clone
# Move into downloaded folder
cd fge
# Download copy of gh-pages branch, place in folder called _site/
git clone -b gh-pages _site
# Download copy of docs repo, place in folder called _docs_repo/
git clone _docs_repo/

Using Jekyll, and Git to update the website

Once downloaded, make your changes within docs/ to add or change any of the tutorials or within fge/ to edit the look of the website. You can then upload these changes for each of the three branches.

# Ensure you're in fge/
# Parse tutorials for hosting on site with build (creates _docs/)
# Build website
jekyll build
# Test website locally
jekyll serve
# Navigate your browser to to see local version
# Once happy, update each of the three Git repos
git status  # check branch and folder
git add [FILENAME]
git commit [FILENAME] -m [MESSAGE]
# And push the changes
git push

There are two steps to building the hostable website in _site/. is a custom python script updates guides' front-matter using the git repo to get authors and last date since update. It places updated docs in _docs/ which is what Jekyll looks for when building the wesbite. jekyll build then constructs the hostable website from the layout information, css objects etc.

It is useful to double check the look and functionality of the website with jekyll serve before pushing to GitHub.

For the gh-pages branch, version control is not important so you can add and commit all files and force a push to GitHub.

git status  # make sure this is the gh-pages branch
git add .  # add all files
git commit -a -m [MESSAGE]  # commit all changes
git -f push  # force a push, ignore any conflicts

PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS FOR THE MASTER BRANCHES. For the fge master branch and docs repo it's important that all changes are version controlled so that we can revert to old versions if anything goes wrong. Make sure you add and commit any new files and commit any changes to original files with commit messages. It is especially important you do not use the -f flag when pushing to GitHub, as you may overwrite someone else's work.

Note, the website is built in the _site/ directory and GitHub uses this directory as the gh-pages branch to construct the website. Therefore, the website will not change if the gh-pages branch is not updated.